This morning, as I was leaving for work, I spotted four beautiful birds in a neighbor's tree. Ran back and grabbed my camera, even though I knew that I wouldn't be able to get a clear picture with the Rebel XT's kit lens (EFS 18-55 mm). Oh for a telephoto lens! One had flown by the time I got back. I've gone through my Peterson's Field Guide, but can't identify them. Could someone please tell me what they are?
My best (but very tentative) guess is that they are female and/or immature Brewer's Blackbirds (Euphagus cyanocephalus) or female and/or immature Great-tailed Grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus). Here is a page with photos of both and a photo of a female Brewer's Blackbird.
Based on the group photo taken in Imperial County, my vote's for the female or immature Great-tailed Grackle. The birds were quite large. The color's closest to what I saw - just glowing golden in the sun. This is the only photo I've seen that is close.
We have innumerable Common Grackles around here. I'll have to look out for the Great-tailed. My knowledge of birds is embarrassingly sparse.
My friend Sue says they're female Boat-tailed Grackles. Internet images confirm. Thanks, Sue! We see Great-tailed Grackles every day, but I don't ever remember seeing these before.
I retired from the University of Arizona, where I coordinated distance learning. New enthusiasms include learning about digital photography and photoprocessing, archaeology, theatre, and observing the natural world around me.
All original content on this weblog, including the archives, is licensed under a Creative Commons License and is copyrighted by the author. Images may not be used without permission.
Here's what I see:
Medium slender, mostly straight, pointed bill
Dark bill, wings, tail, and undertail coverts
Medium long tail
Golden brown breast
Good-sized birds, not tiny
Travel in flocks in the winter
My best (but very tentative) guess is that they are female and/or immature Brewer's Blackbirds (Euphagus cyanocephalus) or female and/or immature Great-tailed Grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus). Here is a page with photos of both and a photo of a female Brewer's Blackbird.
Based on the group photo taken in Imperial County, my vote's for the female or immature Great-tailed Grackle. The birds were quite large. The color's closest to what I saw - just glowing golden in the sun. This is the only photo I've seen that is close.
We have innumerable Common Grackles around here. I'll have to look out for the Great-tailed. My knowledge of birds is embarrassingly sparse.
Thanks so much for your detective work.
My friend Sue says they're female Boat-tailed Grackles. Internet images confirm. Thanks, Sue! We see Great-tailed Grackles every day, but I don't ever remember seeing these before.
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