I had just got home from the university yesterday afternoon and was going into the kitchen to make a cup of tea when I heard a splash. Mallards don't frequent our neighbourhood, but they do come by on occasion to paddle and cavort in the pool on their way to the pond in a nearby country club. This one didn't stay long.

He took off and I missed the shot

but turned around and just got him

before he flew over the patio wall.
Pam-- You are a magnet for astonishing beauty. I know when I check in here I'm going to find the things that you have seen, lovingly photographed and displayed with utter joy. Fantastic.
I love that flying shot. ;-)
The planes of 2006 are true sculptures. Saint Exupéry , in 1940 liked the beauty of the planes of this time. But wings, feathers of these ducks!!!Fantastic! A wonder!
Les avions de 2006 sont de vraies sculptures .
Saint Exupéry , en 1940 aimait déja la beauté des avions de cette époque .
Mais les ailes , les plumes de ces canards !!!Fantastiques !
Une merveille !
Oh, these are beautiful shots. Wonderful clarity
I especially like the shot of him going over the wall!
I must second rexroth's daughter's comment it is a delight to come to your blog.
Wow! What a beautiful pictures, Pam! Love principally the shot "before he flew over the patio wall".
Have a nice and happy weekend!
RD, cynthia, jean, endment, sonia -- Thank you all for your warm comments. That duck was not my planned blog for today, but he was so beautiful that he took precedence over everything else. As always, I'm amazed when I get a flight shot - the credit goes to the camera.
jean - Today I watched two hawks circling high in the air. A large passenger jet plane came slowly across the sky, higher of course, but it appeared as if it were cutting right through the hawks' domain. It was interesting to think of the differences between bird and machine, and I thought of your comment about Saint Exupéry while I was watching. The planes of Saint Exupéry's day I think were much more interesting than those of today. We have a wonderful outdoor air museum in Tucson; he would have loved it.
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