Sunday, April 16, 2006

Scarlet Hedgehog Cactus

I spotted this beautiful Scarlet Hedgehog Cactus growing at the entrance to Trail Dust Town yesterday.

It had 45 stalks, 30 full blooms and 9 buds.

Nikon Coolpix E 5200


Endment said...

Spectacular plant. First of all the brilliant color but when you recite the number of stalks, blooms and buds I am amazed. (Nikon Coolpix?)

robin andrea said...

Cactus flowers are always so colorful and lush looking. Beautiful.

Pam in Tucson said...

endment, rd - The flowers on this little plant were amazing. Trail Dust Town is a fake western town with a steakhouse, lots of tourist shops, and a fine little restaurant, which is where my friend and I were headed. Given the location, we actually knelt down and felt the flowers to see if they were real.