June 10 - 100 Mile Marsh. Three more birds I'd never seen before. I recognized the
Tree Swallow from
Dharma Bums' blog.

Every time I went to the edge of the reeds, I'd hear a bird calling. I finally saw this bird swimming around in a little circle. I've tried to identify it - I believe it's a
Virginia Rail. If it hadn't made noise, I would never have noticed it.

Yellowheaded Blackbirds were a joy to watch, as they balanced on the tops of reeds and sang.

these are nice animals. Last year (or is it two years ago) there was a report about a bear walking around in Tucson. That poor guy could only dream about swimming through a river.
Lucky you! I've never seen a yellow headed blackbird! I do love our charming little goldfinches, though. They perch on tall grass and sway and dip in the breeze. You must be having a wonderful time, Pam--your photos are absolutely delightful! I always wish I could follow along with you and with Larry/Botanizing, on your field trips, to make sketches of my own ;D.
Thanks for the travel notes! I fee a little like I am in the backseat!
I've never seen a yellow-headed blackbird either. They're gorgeous. We saw a Virginia Rail last year. Quite an interesting looking bird. They do like to hide in the reeds, so they are often hard to see. Great that you're seeing so many fantastic birds. All beautiful.
this is such a fun trip... all the lovely things to see with out the fatigue and I can still get lots of work done here at home :)
The photos are super --- I especially enjoy the yellow-headed blackbird!
Alovely bunch of birds I especialy love the yellow headed black bird
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