June 16 - We drove west on our last afternoon of The Great BC (and a bit of Alberta) Road Trip in torrential rain - the only rain we experienced in the 3-1/2 weeks we were in Canada. We stopped off at Manning Provincial Park for a most welcome cup of tea. There we saw
Columbia Ground Squirrels
including a mother and her nursing baby

Brown-headed Cowbirds
Clark's Nutcrackers.

Then we drove on to Vancouver for another fun-filled week in Canada with our friends before returning home.
I've been enjoying your BC photos! We hope to wander to BC in the early fall to visit a friend that recently retired and moved there.
I've been enjoying your gorgeous photos, too!
I wish to you a Happy Independence Day!
Happy Birthday America, Happy 4th of July!!!
I hope you all enjoy your Celebrations!
What a great journey. It's been delightful tagging along here, and seeing BC through your eyes. Wonderful.
I've been enjoying your series of photos via Bloglines over the past days, Pam. And the ones in this post are a particular delight.
Sounds like you had a great trip. I am going to have to convince my hubby to do a road trip to B.C.
Pictures.. love... wow... what fun
ow - Glad to have given you a preview :) I was often rushed in my picture-taking - too much to see and do in too little time, but in many cases the photos just took themselves. I look forward to seeing your photos from your fall trip.
sonia - Thank you for the Independence Day greetings. We had a quiet day thinking about peace and freedom and what that should mean in our time. In the evening, we enjoyed fireworks which burst right over our house. I tried to photograph them.
robin andrea - It ws indeed a great journey; one I believe everyone should take if at all possible. Unlike some parts of the world, this majestic beauty is very accessible and, given the right time of year, not too heavily peopled.
mary - I'm happy to share this wonderful experience. I was particularly delighted to capture the images of the mother-child ground squirrel pair. They moved so quickly that I didn't even realize the little one was nursing until my friend pointed it out as we were playing back the photos.
cynthia - I hope you can convince him. It's a landmark trip and I feel very fortunate to have been able to go and very grateful to our friends for driving us those many miles.
jimmy - You're welcome! As I said to Mary, I too loved the ground squirrels. I could have watched them for hours.
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