The flower in this post was unknown to me. I found it on the path leading to the
Kicking Horse Pedestrian Bridge in Golden. Taking a lead from yesterday's post, I turned to
Ontario Wanderer's blog to see if he had a photo of it.
His very interesting post of June 12 showed a Goat's beard flower having difficulty opening because of a spider web that encircled it. Although the details of his flower look different, there were enough similarities to make me think the flower I photographed might be a kind of Goat's beard.

Because of the number of bracts (19 or possibly more) on the flower I photographed, I believe the plant is
Tragopogon major, also known as Tragopogon dubius Scop., subsp. major. Its
common names include common salsify, meadow goat’s beard, salsifis majeur, western goat’s beard, western salsify, wild oysterplant, yellow goat’s beard, yellow salsify. It is a member of the Sunflower family (Asteraceae).

Goat's beard is native to Eurasia. It is listed as an invasive weed in Kentucky, Nebraska, Tennessee, Manitoba, and Ontario (USDA 2002). However this plant is not considered noxious in North America.
So pretty.
here in the New Forest they are fighting a battle with the Rhododendrons. beautiful as they are they were beginning to take over the forest and efforts have been made to erradicate them to allow our native plants to flourish!
All to often we forget that cultivated plants in our gardens arw wild flowers in other places. When we were in BC I was thrilled to discover the little silky lupins, minature versions of the showy cultivated versions I have in my garden.
Pam, there are Goatsbeard specimens on our few hundred acres in Lanark, and I have taken a few photos from time to time, but YOUR photos are just out of this world, especially the last one with its close up of the fading flower head - magnificent! Aren't these flowers lovely architectural creations?
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