The original portion of the home was begun in 1869 and completed in 1871 when Brigham Young purchased it. He added the front addition which was completed in 1873. It served as his winter home from that time until his death in 1877. -- Plaque in front of the house, installed by the St. George Historic Preservation CommissionOriginal house
Two story addition by Brigham Young. Cranberry red and jade green paint were the original colours.

Front garden
Vineyard and garden
A large mulberry tree supplied the leaves for feeding silk worms, the cocoons of which provided the thread for silk fabrics produced by pioneer women here in St. George. Representative of the principal reason for the settlement of Utah*s "Dixie", the garden still produces both cotton and grapes.
Some interesting features of the interior of the home. The woodwork throughout the house is pine taken from the Pine Valley mountains and was hand grained to look like hardwood.
Downstairs living room
Square grand piano (1872)
Pine bookcase, hand grained.
Portrait of Brigham Young over the fireplace. The fireplace is painted to resemble black marble.
Dining and kitchen -
Soup bowls on this table hold hot water in the bottom to keep the soup hot.
Upstairs. Beautiful handmade quilts. The bed in this bedroom was stained with oxblood.
One of Brigham Young's 55 wives, Harriet Amelia Folsom Young, served as a hostess and nurse. This is a nurse's hat.
Since he couldn't move around much because of his arthritis, Brigham Young spent most of his time in this multi-purpose room on the second floor. The tall desk/bookcase was made of pine, finished to look like two kinds of maple.
This chest contained his things when he traveled - hence the numbered drawers.
Pine chair designed by and built for Brigham Young.
The fabric for this chair was woven from horse hair.
Quilts and a handwoven linsey wolsey coverlet.
Vents in the ceiling for air flow.
Ceiling light
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