Friday, September 02, 2005

Day 4 - the last day of class

We didn't have time to take any photos in the class period. Jay showed us a black & white portfolio he created of beautiful children from Pio Decimo. We compared the B&W's to the original color. Jim, from Sunset photo, gave a great talk on equipment and new developments in digital cameras. Then Jay wrapped up the session by answering questions.

The class was wonderful. It's going to be repeated in October, and I highly recommend it. Jay Rochlin is a superb photographer, an excellent teacher, generous with his knowledge, and a warm and friendly person. Our class agreed that we want to follow up with a more advanced course.


I had a few minutes after class to take some photos in the Botanical Gardens, before I went to volunteer at TIHAN.

This is an oleander in the parking lot at TIHAN.

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