Tuesday, November 07, 2006

All Souls Procession - 2006

Here are some photos from Tucson's All Souls Procession, 5 November 2006. The procession is a community-wide all-inclusive project. The estimate is that over 8000 people participated and thousands more lined the streets. (The crowds made it very difficult to get clear shots.) I'll post photos of the Finale and the Burning of the Urn tomorrow.

One of the installations for the Ancestor Project
An altar
The Urn accompanied by stiltwalkers
and the Spirit Group
Community members learned how to make giant masks
and puppets at the Tucson Puppetworks workshops
For the protection of Sandhill Cranes

1 comment:

LauraHinNJ said...

It looks like quite the fiesta!

Is the feeling one of celebration or sadness Pam?